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Environmental improvements
This section provides information on contracted EKII and MF projects.
Tender Tender title Number of projects Attiecināmās izmaksas Finansējums The planned CO2 reduction in tons
EKII-1Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in protected architectural monuments of national importance810 782 5968 532 779439
EKII-1.1Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in protected architectural monuments of national importance (Round II)526 715 83021 898 855180
EKII-2Reducing greenhouse gas emissions - in low energy buildings727 993 24122 868 900573
EKII-3Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with smart urban technologies159 211 6376 171 713560
EKII-3.1Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with smart urban technologies (Round II)0000
EKII-4Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by developing the construction of self-sufficient energy buildings215 811 31310 000 00029
EKII-5Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector - support for the purchase of zero-emission and low-emission vehicles279378 683 47710 337 1503580
EKII-6Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from households - support for the use of renewable energy sources1203476 746 87542 338 75418441
EKII-7Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the lighting infrastructure of municipal public areas2913 009 0348 159 0251215
EKII-8Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the buildings of the Ministry of the Interior system institutions and municipal police institutions0000
MF-1Increasing energy efficiency in the transport sector - support for the introduction of electric cars and their charging infrastructure0000

The EKII-4 projects show a limitation of CO2 emissions.