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Implemented projects
This section provides information on contracted EKII projects.

The final beneficiary: Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte
Project name: Jelgavas pils energoefektivitātes nodrošināšana
The project contract date: 2016.07.21
The total project costs (in EUR): 6701654.49
EKII / MF finansējuma apmērs (EUR): 4000000.00
Project completion date: 2020.07.21
The project aims/activities:
Name Type
Building an unheated attic ceiling and wall insulation with loose stone wool using PAROC BLT 9 (XD <0.041 m-K / W) 600 mm thicknessBuilding insulation
Attic ceiling (insulated average 50 mm thickness) insulation with loose stone wool. the existing insulation deposition PAROC BLT 9 (XD <0,041m-K / W) 550 mm thicknessBuilding insulation
Attic ceiling (average heated to 100 mm thickness) insulation with loose stone wool, the existing insulation deposition PAROC BLT 9 (XD <0,041m-K / W) 500 mm thicknessBuilding insulation
Attic ceiling (insulated average 200 mm thickness) insulation with loose stone wool, the existing insulation deposition PAROC BLT 9 (XD <0,041m-K / W) 400 mm thicknessBuilding insulation
Building wooden window replacement with wooden profile double glazed double-glazed windows Uw = 1.3W / (m2K), incorporating anti-condensation tape from the inside and wind the tape from the outsideBuilding insulation
Building wooden window replacement with wooden profile triple-glazed double-glazed windows Uw = 1.1W / (m2K), incorporating anti-condensation tape from the inside and wind the tape from the outsideBuilding insulation
Building entrance door wood replacement with improved heat resistance of a wooden door U = 1.5 W / (m2K) and the loft door replacement of insulated constructions metal door U = 1.5W / (m2K)Building insulation
Building entrance door wood replacement with improved heat resistance of a wooden door U = 1.5 W / (m2K) and the loft door replacement of insulated constructions metal door U = 1.5W / (m2K)General
Heating systems and ISM adjustment, providing space for the average drop in temperature of 1 degreeVentilation
Southern facade renewalGeneral
Eastern facade renewalGeneral
Northern facade renewalGeneral
West facade renewalGeneral
Western hull courtyard facade renewalGeneral
Northern shell paths recoveryGeneral
Construction supervisionGeneral
Air permeability testsGeneral
financial reserveGeneral
Project description:
Project implementation location