Name |
Type |
Facade insulation of rock wool or analogue material 20cm thickness (thermal conductivity koeficientsλ≤0.036W / (m · K)). Part of the building without basement plinth siltināšana.Grīdu insulation with 10cm thick insulation material. | Building insulation |
Windows with new ones PVC type windows assembled steam and precipitation perimeter insulation tape (U profile ≤1.0W / (m2 * K), U glass ≤0.5W / (m2 * K) Ythermix spacer (continuous around the perimeter of the structure) ≤ 0.04W / (m * K). | Building insulation |
Old input node and the gate replacement of a dense outer doors with aizvērējmehānismiem and gate assembly steam precipitation and isolation perimetralentas Ukonstrukcijai ≤1,8W / (m2 · K) .Vējtvera underfloor 10cm thickness of putupolstirolu or analogue material. | Building insulation |
2.korpusa unheated basement room wall to warm premises insulation 20cm thick shell socle floor unheated room wall to the warm rooms 20cm thick insulation from unheated space hand with rock wool or analogue material | Building insulation |
1.korpusa attic insulation covering the demontāža.1.korpusa attic insulation parts with ecowool or analogue material 50cm in thickness by material shrinkage (thermal conductivity coefficient λ≤0.041W / (m * K)) | Building insulation |
2.korpusa attic insulation parts in addition with mineral or analogue material 30cm in thickness by material shrinkage (thermal conductivity koeficientsλ≤0.041W / (m * K)), bringing the total insulation thickness of 50 cm after shrinkage insulation. | Building insulation |
Attic storey addition to 15cm thick insulation (thermal conductivity coefficient λ≤0.036W / (m * K)), and 3.korpusa 2.korpusa extension roof covering additional insulation | Building insulation |
Cantilevered slab in contact with the outdoor air, insulation (east facade) under the heated rooms 3.korpusā and paths between the floor and 2.korpusu 3.korpusu insulation from the outside 25cm thick | Building insulation |
2.korpusa unheated pagrabatelpas ceiling insulation with 20cm thick insulation materials, 3.korpusa socle floor unheated room ceiling insulation with 20cm thick insulation materials | Building insulation |
Decentralized / centralized ventilation systems installation with recovery systems, heat recovery efficiency factor of 85.0% or maximize electricity efficiency <0.45Wh / m3 | Ventilation |
Solar photovoltaic panel installation, according to the project solutions | Renewable energy |
Heating systems reconstruction of the two-pipe system with a new radiator termoventiļiem installation, space heating systems for temperature control automation installation optimal room temperature to provide. | Building insulation |
financial reserve | General |
Project proposal preparation costs (energy audit, technical survey and design) | General |
Lightning protection | General |
Site preparation work, stairs, flooring, interior decoration, various works | General |
Construction supervision | General |
supervision | General |