The aim of the tender is to introduce and demonstrate smart urban technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 333 of 12 June 2018 Emisijas kvotu izsolīšanas instrumenta finansēto projektu atklāta konkursa "Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju samazināšana ar viedajām pilsētvides tehnoloģijām" nolikums
Special provisions of the contract
General provisions of the contract (until 1 September 2020)General provisions of the contract (as of September 1, 2020)
Annex 1 "Procurement Plan"Annex 2 "Project implementation report"Annex 3 "Payment Request"Annex 4 "Documents certifying eligible costs"Annex 5 "Project results monitoring report"Guidelines for determining the amounts of non-compliant expenditure in the competition "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Smart Urban Technologies" (applicable from the EKII-3 tender)Guidelines on the application of financial corrections, reporting on discrepancies identified in the implementation of European Union funds, recovery of irregularly incurred expenditure in the 2014-2020 programming period (Version 2.7)
Guidelines for project applicants
Annex 1 - Building energy certificate developed by an independent expert in the field of energy performance of buildings (electronic form) (if the project plans to rebuild or renovate the building)
Annex 2 - Project financing indicators (electronic form - example)
Questions and answers (updated 06/09/2018)Project application form ( in word format) - submitting electronically a maximum of one email size of 20MB
Symbols of the Emission Allowance Auction Instrument and Terms of Use
cmyk format (.ai; .eps; .jpg; .png; .wmf) archived format (14MB)pantone format (.ai; .eps; .jpg; .png; .wmf) archived format (11MB)rgb format (. ai; .eps; .jpg; .png; .wmf) in archived format (2MB)