The aim of the competition is to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by supporting the introduction of vehicles in Latvia which, by their design, use energy from vehicle electricity as the sole mechanical propulsion and whose GHG emissions are 0 g CO2 / km or use energy from vehicle electricity as mechanical propulsion and at the same time, it is equipped with an internal combustion engine and total GHG emissions of up to 50g CO2 / km TENDER REGULATION Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 896 of 21 December 2021 Emisijas kvotu izsolīšanas instrumenta finansēto projektu atklāta konkursa "Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas samazināšana transporta sektorā – atbalsts bezemisiju un mazemisiju transportlīdzekļu iegādei" nolikums
Questions and answers (updated 01/02/2022) Project application form (likumi.lv in word format) - submitting electronically a maximum of one email size of 20MB Symbols of the Emission Allowance Auction Instrument and Terms of Use cmyk format (.ai; .eps; .jpg; .png; .wmf) archived format (14MB)
Project applications:
Applications of the beneficiary:
PHONE: 25 480 151; 25 480 152; 25 480 153